Shelby Lea

Monday, November 27, 2006

Ready for Winter

She is just toooo cute!

Thanksgiving News

A lot has happened in the last week. Shelby started rice cereal on Tuesday. She gets excited, but still doesn't know what to do with it! She's decided to go from laying down to walking. (well, almost) When Momma pulls her up to a sitting position, she'll stiffen her legs and brace her feet on the floor!

We had a really nice Thanksgiving. Shelby, Mommy, Daddy, Bella, and Bailey spent the day with Grammy, Papa, Uncle Kyle, and Winston. The next day, we went to Grammy & Papa's for leftovers. Yummy! On Saturday, Grammy and Papa watched Shelby so that we could paint the hallway bathroom yellow. Then on Sunday, Grammy and Papa came over and Momma and Grammy put up an adorable rubber ducky border! We can't wait for everone to see it! Oh yeah, Shelby also went to her first Tejeda party Saturday evening and looooved the Mariachi band!


Monday, November 20, 2006

Here are a couple of pics

Busy Weekend

On Saturday, Grandma babysat Shelby for the first time at her house. Momma and Daddy had their first date since Shelby's birth. We went to Pawnee Prairie Park and shopping. Although we missed our little girl, we did enjoy our time together. Afterwards, we visited Jose and Hollie at their house. They hadn't seen her since shortly after we brought her home! Shelby stayed awake for a short time...she was pooped from her visit at Grandma's!

On Sunday, Grammy and Papa came over for our weekly Desperate Housewives get together and to put up curtains in Shelby's room. Grammy recently hemmed the curtains and found a cute curtain rod. We are finally getting her room finished! Yay!

We are looking forward to Shelby's first Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Smiley Baby

I've finally succeeded in capturing Shelby's smile.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Having fun

Video: Shelby at Grannie and Papa's

Video: Activity Gym

Here are a couple of videos showing Shelby having some fun!

New accomplishments

Shelby now weighs 12 lbs and is 24 inches! She has learned to roll over from her tummy to back and is practicing rolling from her back to front. She hasn't quite figured it out, but sure is trying! She played peekaboo with Momma for the first time today and thought it was fun. She has fallen asleep in her own bed a few times, but it's usually during the day or when she is just too tired to care. I figure that we'll have her sleeping on her own before she graduates highschool! :)

Her favorite things so far: Being tickled by Mommy and Daddy, holding Linkadoos, going for car rides anywhere, listening to Momma sing Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row Your Boat, You Are My Sunshine, and my own rendition of My Little Buttercup (from the 3 Amigos).


Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Little Sweetpea

Today, Shelby and I went to an infant massage class. Shelby enjoyed the leg and foot massages, but was more interested in looking at the other babies and mommies who were present. I think she is going to be a very sociable little girl!

(Note: Although her pictures don't show it yet, she does smile a lot! She is really curious about the camera and wonders what we are doing. :)


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween

Well, Shelby's first Halloween has come and gone. We went to a party at Uncle John and Aunt Nina's Saturday night. Shelby enjoyed seeing all the interesting costumes! Last night, mommy, daddy, and baby dressed up and went trick or treating. We stopped by Grandma & Papa's, Grammy & Papa's, Grandma's, and Grandpa's. She got lots of goodies (and so did daddy). I can't wait until next year - I'm already starting to think about our costumes!
