Shelby Lea

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hanging with Daddy

Here are some pics from Andy and Shelby's Zoo trip yesterday, as well as a Messy Eater pic. Andy watched Shelby this afternoon while I hosted a Pampered Chef Bingo Party. (Big annual cancer fundraiser downtown) They visited with Papa Charlie, George & Lila, and Jerry and Hazel Maharry (GG and P's friends from Yuma).

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Shelby took her first bath tonight in the Big Person Tub! Maybe she'll get some practice for Water Babies.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, she's finally gotten to take advantage of our neighborhood playground!

Water Baby

We had quite an exciting weekend. We went to Red Beans Friday evening with Grammy and Papa and Andy's cousin, Joe, and his wife, Angel. Shelby had a lot of fun - she came home with a balloon poodle from the restaurant!

Saturday morning, we started Water Babies at the Northwest YMCA. Shelby was a little cautious, but stayed calm. She enjoyed watching all of the other babies in the class.

Saturday afternoon/evening, we attended Kendell's 10th birthday party. After a while, Shelby warmed up to everyone. She enjoyed rolling on the floor and being tickled by her Uncles. She was very interested in what Kendell and her friends were doing.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to a baby shower for our friends Ben and Mandy Pfister, who are expecting a baby boy in May. After Shelby warmed up, she was rolling all over the floor and hamming it up for everyone. She learned that scooting on her back and making a noise made everyone laugh!


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Walk With GG and Papa Charlie

Great Grandma (GG) and Papa Charlie came over yesterday afternoon and took Shelby for a walk around the neighborhood lake. She chatted and had a great time. GG and Papa swear she said "I Love You"! I wasn't there, so I can only take their word for it! ;)

Also, we have great news. Shelby now weighs 14 lbs 3 oz! She's starting to eat more solids and loves sharing bananas with Momma.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Look who's *almost* Crawling!

Here's a link to a video I shot this evening of Shelby scooting on her belly. It's only a matter of time till she's zipping around...she's going to be into everything! She's such a curious baby.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First Playdate

We had Shelby's first playdate this morning with Janae and Ryelle. Shelby and Ryelle got along great! I see a good friendship in the making! Our friend, Joanne, has a daughter Maddy, who is 4 days younger than Shelby. They were unable to make it, so we also stopped to say "hello" to Joanne, Maddy, Jolie, and Flo. Shelby was pooped after all that fun!


Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy 1st Easter

It was a busy weekend for Shelby. Granny and Papa Louis came into town from OK - Shelby hadn't seen them since last October. She sure loved Papa's pocket watch! Grammy and Papa and Granny and Papa watched her Sat so that Andy and I could go see a movie. Grandma came over Sat evening and brought Shelby an Easter Bunny (Bella is still trying to claim it). We had Easter dinner at Grammy and Papa's yesterday, along with GG and Papa, Granny & Papa, Uncle Kyle, and Uncle Jeff. Needless to say, she slept very well last night. :)


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

10 Month Pictures

Sunday, April 01, 2007

My Daddy and Me