Shelby Lea

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Encore Dance Class

Shelby and Momma started a dance class on Monday nights. Shelby immediately became friends with everyone. Shelby and Momma dance all the time at home while listening to different types of music. Lately, Shelby loves Jason Mraz's cd. She'll have a recital in the spring, so we should be pros by that time!

Grammy's Birthday

On November 2nd, we went to Grammy and Papa's to celebrate Grammy's birthday. Uncle Kyle, Jenny, Uncle Jeff, and GG and Papa were all there. Shelby was a nice helper with opening presents and, as always, such cute entertainment for all!

Halloween Trick or Treating and Party

Daddy, Momma, and Shelby all dressed up and went trick or treating Halloween night. Afterwards, we returned home to hand out candy and have a party with Grammy, Papa, Winston, Uncle Kyle, Jenny, and GG and Papa. We all dressed up and had a good time!

Parents As Teachers Halloween

On Halloween morning, Shelby and Momma participated in a Parents as Teachers story/trick or treating event at a west side retirement complex. All of the kids dressed in their costumes, sat and "listened" to stories, and then walked around to different residents for trick or treating. It was a fun experience and it put smiles on everyone's faces!

(the PAT pictures look horrible as I was taking them with my Iphone. Shelby kept moving around and it is very difficult to take good pics w/ it! Should've taken the real camera....)

Owlets Spider Class

Daddy, Momma, Grammy, and Shelby got to go to an Owlets Spiders class at the Zoo on October 22nd. Shelby had just recently watched the Dakota Fanning version of Charlotte's Web and was excited to learn about spiders!

At the end of class, the kids got to peek in at a live Tarantula!

Night of the Living Zoo

On Sunday, October 26th, we took Shelby to Night of the Living Zoo. It was really cold and windy!!! She stayed warm in her cute black cat outfit and took in all of the kids and adults dressed up in costumes. She played games and at the end of the night she posed for a picture by a huge purple spider (she had just learned about spiders at the Zoo's Owlets class...). She said she wanted to hold the spider's hand and we got a pic of that, too!

Afterwards, we headed over to Grammy and Papa's for trick or treating.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sophie Jo's First Birthday

On October 25th, we drove to Stillwater, OK, for Sophia's first birthday party. Shelby had fun playing in the "ball pit", running around outside, and being pulled in the wagon.

Shelby especially loved playing catch with Granny with a pink balloon. She was so happy and proud that she learned to catch. Of course, Momma made the cake!