Shelby Lea

Monday, June 01, 2009


New Flower Sprinkler

We got Shelby a new sprinkler May 25th. It was starting to cool off late that afternoon, but we let her play in the water anyway. She and the neighbor kids played, too. It was funny to see them shivering and when I asked if they were cold they'd say no. :) Must have been too much fun to quit!

Exploration Place

Daddy, Momma, and Shelby went to Exploration Place (me and Shelby's 3rd time; Andy's first) on May 24th. This was the first time Shelby really got into it because she was about 2 when we went last time, I think. She liked being inside the big bubble, exploring the cool castle, riding the wooden horse down the hill, the wooden train sets, and really loved playing in the water in the 3 and under area. She tried flying a paper airplane and laughed when it crashed (especially when Andy's did.. he he). Most of the exhibits were a bit over her head, but the Kansas exhibit was very neat! She got to see live tarantulas, a snake, prairie dogs, some different specimen bugs to look at under a microscope, and got inside the tornado machine. We can't wait to go back with our new membership!

Family Fun

We went to Sedgwick County Park and then the Zoo to see the new Tiger exhibit. It was a great day! Shelby loved picking up pretty leaves at the park and looking at ant hills and watching squirrels. The tigers were very neat!!

Papa Charlie's Shoes

This is just priceless. She was scooting around in Papa Charlie's shoes one evening. She actually moved around quite well, considering...

Singletree Stables

On May 15th, Daddy and Shelby went to Singletree Stables for a birthday party. Well, there was a misunderstanding and the birthday party was not scheduled. (it was actually at Chucky Cheese that same time, but we weren't told the change of place. oops!) They hung around and checked out all of the horses in the barn, met quite a few (Shelby loved it, but I hear Andy was a little nervous letting her near the horses); then they played on the playground equipment out there and played hide-and-seek around some big trees. Andy said he actually enjoyed this more than going to the kids party at Chucky Cheese. :) I think I'd agree with him!

RiverFest Cajun Food Fest

We went to the Cajun Food Fest May 14th for the River Fest. Shelby was hesitant to try much, but ate plain rice (no red beans, although I snuck a few in) and bread. I don't think she was interested in trying the bread pudding. Oh well, maybe next year!

She rode her first amusement park ride with momma and daddy and loved it! She jumped in an inflatable thingy and also danced with Papa Craig. She also really enjoyed checking out the Police Horses who were on duty.

Auntie M in Town

Here are some pictures taken at GG and Papa's house May 13th when Aunt Melba visited. Auntie M is always worried Shelby won't remember her...I just don't think that's possible! Just today, Shelby and I were at Walmart and saw a woman who looked similar and she asked "Is that Aunt Melba?". Shelby used to say Aunt Elba, but now is able to say it right!


Doggie Slippers

Here she is posing in her cute slippers she got during the winter. She didn't really wear them much when we bought them because they were a little big.

Dance Recital

Shelby had so much fun at her dance recital Mother's Day weekend. She wasn't nervous on stage at all. We'll have to work on not running off stage right after the performance... All the other girls stood and looked at the audience (I'm not sure they knew what to do), but Shelby ran off smiling. :) On Mother's Day after the last performance, momma, daddy, Shelby, Grammy, Papa, and GG & Pop went to Los Cocos for dinner.

I asked her if she wanted to do this again next year and she said "yes!" She wants to take the ballet and tap class.

Visit to Aunt Melba's

Daddy and Shelby drove to Lincoln, KS, on April 26th to visit Aunt Melba and the family. (Momma was sick and stayed home...) Shelby sure had fun playing with Johnette, as well as visiting with Auntie M, GG and Pop, Grammy & Papa, DeAnnette and Tim, Roxy, Elysia and her boyfriend, LaDonna, and Brenda.

Horsie Class

Shelby went to a horsie class at the Zoo in April. As this is one of her favorite animals (tied with doggies), she loved it! It was also a traumatic day for her since, on the way to class, she skinned her knee for the first time in the parking lot. Oh, we learned the names of the two female horses: the white one is Maggie and the cream one is Shasta.