Shelby Lea

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

August Catch-up Post

So Far in August...August 1st, She weighed 5lbs, 13oz. and got her first round of shots. She cried a bit, but was very brave. August 4th we got to take her Apnea monitor off. What a relief! It was quite a hassle to constantly have to mess with that thing. It would go off at terrible times...4am usually and was about the volume of a fire alarm. August 8th, 6lbs, 6oz and August 9th she cried her first noticeable tears! Amy and Aaron Lawrence came by August 13th, August 14th she moved into newborn clothes sizes and August 15th, 6lbs, 12oz. Friday August 18th, was her first trip to Walmart at 11PM. We needed stuff and felt like risking her being upset in the middle of the store...she did really good and it turns out she's quite a chick magnet for me! :D

Visitors so far in August: Great Grandma H and Grandma; Grammy and Papa; Joanna's coworkers at Hite, Fanning and Honeyman; Joanna's coworkers at Fletcher and Matthewson; Ed and Beka Robinson; Joanne and Josh Spaulding, Katrina Roybal, Carina Ramirez and Michelle Anderson at Joanne's 30th b-day party; and Ben and Mandy Pfister at their house.


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