Shelby Lea

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Salon Haircut

Today, we went to SportClips and had Jennifer cut Shelby's hair, including the back! This was her first official cut at a salon. She sat on her 2 booster seats under the cape and didn't make a peep. It was so cute - she looked like a floating head! Now her hair is so bouncy and wavy.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Feeling Better

Shelby's been sick with a 102-103 temp since Sunday night. This morning, she woke up w/out the fever, but with little red spots all over her torso and neck area. I researched it and I believe she had the roseola infantum virus. (took her to the doc yesterday and she said Shelby did have a virus, but didn't tell me exactly what it was). Here are a couple of pics of her rash (I'm sure she'll appreciate this on her blog someday. HA!!

She now weighs 18 lbs 3 oz as of yesterday, which is surprising because she hasn't been eating very much.

We also got some pictures of her playing peek-a-boo behind our shower curtain!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Lots going on, as usual. Shelby really enjoyed Sesame Street Live last weekend. She tapped her legs to the music and clapped on beat (she gets it from me. he he). She recently learned how to imitate Ernie's laugh and Cookie Monster eating cookies. :) She keeps me pretty entertained!

Speaking of imitations, she still loves neighing like a horse and now loves to make an elephant sound. We taught her how to make her arm into a trunk...She is also getting pretty good at pointing to different animals in a book when I ask where it is. (even somewhat obscure ones like anteaters, toucans, and hyenas)

Let's see, what else is she doing that's pretty silly...oh, she can tell us she's " a nut"; when we try and sing the alphabet, every letter is "b"; she refers to all the papas and grandpas as "Pop"; she makes this expression where she stretches out her upper lip while lifting up her nose. We'll do this back and forth to each other and she'll just laugh and laugh! She thinks calling her head a "noodle" is hilarious. :) Anything that is catchy like "uh oh spaghetti o's" gets her laughing, as well. Needless to say, we all have a fun time!

We weighed Shelby yesterday and she is now at 17 lbs 13 oz. :( We've been meeting with a dietician and writing everything down that she eats. We'll get her gaining weight somehow. Makes me wonder if the 20 lbs she weighed a couple of weeks ago was accurate? Guess she'll have to wait a little longer for the forward facing car seat.

Here are some recent pics. Check out her Nike's that Grammy & Pop got her! They are too cute and Shelby loves to clomp around in them.
