Shelby Lea

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Feeling Better

Shelby's been sick with a 102-103 temp since Sunday night. This morning, she woke up w/out the fever, but with little red spots all over her torso and neck area. I researched it and I believe she had the roseola infantum virus. (took her to the doc yesterday and she said Shelby did have a virus, but didn't tell me exactly what it was). Here are a couple of pics of her rash (I'm sure she'll appreciate this on her blog someday. HA!!

She now weighs 18 lbs 3 oz as of yesterday, which is surprising because she hasn't been eating very much.

We also got some pictures of her playing peek-a-boo behind our shower curtain!



  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger Janette said…

    Glad Shelby is feeling better!

    And -- I'm LOVING that shower curtain!!!


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