Shelby Lea

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold Zoo Trip

Momma and Shelby went to the Zoo Saturday. It was a little bit chilly, but we still had fun!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Miscellaneous Pics

Here are some cute pics taken in the last week. One of Shelby at the Zoo; Shelby and Daddy at a Parents As Teachers Family Night decorating a cookie to look like a mouth (theme was toothbrushing); and Shelby practicing dance moves and posing in one of her dance outfits. She is not as shy about having her picture taken now. In fact, she even tells me to "take my picture with Bailey or Bella or dancing..."

Monday, January 05, 2009

Uncle Kyle's Birthday

On January 3rd, we went to Grammy & Papa's for dinner and brownie fudge sundaes for Uncle Kyle's birthday. Shelby sang Happy Birthday all the way through and had fun being silly with Uncle Kyle.

Shelby also had lots of fun using a candy cane as a "unicorn horn"; trying on Papa Craig's coat; and laying on Winston's doggie bed.

New Years Eve

For New Years Eve, we hung out at Jennifer and Justin's, along with Justin's parents, Aunt Janice and Uncle Jim, Grandpa, Jamie & Garrett, and Steven. Shelby loved all of the attention and, especially, loved giving hugs to Jake and Sophie (dogs). At first, though, Shelby was a little intimidated by the little dog, Sophie, so the dogs were let into the back yard. Shelby cried and said she wanted "her doggies" and so the dogs came back inside. She was a real trooper and stayed up until we left around 1:30 a.m. or so. She fell fast asleep in the car!

Daddy took a few pictures before we left for the party: one of him and Shelby (they had been practicing saying "happy new year!"), and a couple of Shelby practicing her "reach for the stars" move from dance class. Daddy went into his computer room sometime on Jan 1 and found that Shelby had fed her horse Lucky some peas. She is definitely a little nurturer!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Playing in the Snow

We finally got to get out and play in the snow on December 27th. The 2 times it snowed before that daddy and I were both sick. :( We tried on Shelby's new snowsuit and bundled up. Daddy taught Shelby how to throw a snowball, make a snowman, and make snow angels (she didn't quite enjoy this one. We had to really convince her to lay down in the snow... :)

Christmas at Grammy & Papa's

Around noon, we headed over to Grammy & Papa's house for our annual tradition. We opened presents and had a very yummy dinner with Grammy & Papa, Uncle Kyle and Jenny, Uncle Jeff, and GG & Papa Charlie. We all had a wonderful day! (oh, and Momma and Shelby took a little snooze on the guest bed! I had to get her to take a nap somehow...)

I think Shelby's favorite gift is her spring horse "Lucky" from Grammy & Papa. It was the last present she opened and she knew exactly what to do: She climbed right on and started moving forward and backward really fast! We got some very cute action shots. :)

Lucky's little song is constantly stuck in my head..."I'm a little pony, clippity clop, clippity clop..."

Christmas Morning

On Christmas morning, Shelby came into our room and got into bed w/ us like she usually does. I asked her if Santa had come and she said "no". (she hadn't even looked...) I convinced her to go look and she went down the hall and a few seconds later came back and said "Santa's not here. He's at the mall". Andy and I laughed sooooo hard!! After about 30 minutes or so of trying to convince her to go check under the tree (I could tell she really wanted to because she kept talking about it), she finally agreed to go look a little closer. Next, we heard her excitedly saying that Santa had come....and she came in and very excitedly got us up. Now, that's more like it!!!