Shelby Lea

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas at Grammy & Papa's

Around noon, we headed over to Grammy & Papa's house for our annual tradition. We opened presents and had a very yummy dinner with Grammy & Papa, Uncle Kyle and Jenny, Uncle Jeff, and GG & Papa Charlie. We all had a wonderful day! (oh, and Momma and Shelby took a little snooze on the guest bed! I had to get her to take a nap somehow...)

I think Shelby's favorite gift is her spring horse "Lucky" from Grammy & Papa. It was the last present she opened and she knew exactly what to do: She climbed right on and started moving forward and backward really fast! We got some very cute action shots. :)

Lucky's little song is constantly stuck in my head..."I'm a little pony, clippity clop, clippity clop..."


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