Shelby Lea

Thursday, August 31, 2006

EEG at Wesley

Shelby had an EEG done at Wesley this morning to make sure she didn't have abnormal brain activity which might cause seizures. Joanna, Andy, and Shelby got to the hospital at 6:45 a.m. A doctor checked her vital signs and then a nurse gave Shelby a drink to sedate her. In order for the test to work right, the patient has to be completely still. She fell asleep right away and the test went smoothly. We'll get the results in a few days. She was pretty sleepy all day. Joanna and Shelby took a 3 1/2 hour nap this afternoon! :)


Monday, August 28, 2006

Rainbows Visit, Bath by Daddy

The Rainbows United lady came by today to do an initial visit before the tests on Thursday and helped Joanna fill out some paperwork.

Shelby got her first bath by Daddy today...she cried the whole time. I've always helped in the past, but this was my first go at it. It wasn't hard, but she still didn't like it one bit.

Look at her grow! She's really filling out!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Must be feeling better

Shelby has had the typical baby crying today, but none of the real bad fussiness that we had a couple of days ago. She must be feeling better.

Here's a new pic...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Poor girl...

Shelby had a scary episode yesterday that made Joanna take her to the doctor. It had been building up over the past couple of days, but was really bad yesterday morning. Shelby was crying uncontrollably and was very rigid with her eyes rolled back. It was quite scary for Joanna, so she and Grammy took Shelby to the doc and they said she has bad acid reflux; maybe gas pain as well. Shelby was on Zantac for a month and we thought it wasn't doing any good, so now she's on Prilosec mixed in some good tasting liquid. At least I was told it tastes good. :) Hope it helps...

Anyway next week she goes to Wesley for a half day or so of testing to make sure there's nothing going wrong in her brain that could cause seizures. Joanna was initially worried that she might be having a slight seizure yesterday, but the doctor didn't think so. It's all precautionary; they're just erring on the side of caution and making sure it's all OK. Rainbows United is coming out Thursday to do testing as well. Something they do for all premies if you let them. It will make for another busy week. :(


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

7lbs, 10oz. Finally, a typical baby weight!

Today Shelby weighed 7lbs, 10oz!!!! She's growing like a weed! A few weeks ago, we determined that Shelby has an intolerance to dairy and/or soy and we're trying to figure out what is affecting her. Joanna is having a heck of a time finding foods to eat that don't have those products in them...we've been grilling and eating lots of fruit and veggies. This may last for a few months to a year; well, I guess as long as Joanna continues to breastfeed anyway.

We're so exhausted...we all layed down this evening at 7:30pm and didn't wake up till 10:30PM...needless to say, I can't sleep now, but this gave me the energy to get this post out!

Here's a pic from this evening; Joanna, Shelby and Bella after we got done watching our latest Netflix rental, "This is Spinal Tap". Don't ask me how I talked Joanna into watching that. :)

BTW, we're still working on thank yous from all the wonderful shower gifts. Since Shelby has been so fussy for the whole time we've been home, it's only now that Joanna can do anything but nurse her and hold her during the day. A monkey wrench that I've thrown in is I've made a wallet photo to send out with the thank yous, but I can't get photoshop to print out the photo with the correct color. It's skewed red and I've spent hours trying to get other programs to print it right. Needless to say, we're working on it...maybe we'll get them all out before Christmas. :)


August Catch-up Post

So Far in August...August 1st, She weighed 5lbs, 13oz. and got her first round of shots. She cried a bit, but was very brave. August 4th we got to take her Apnea monitor off. What a relief! It was quite a hassle to constantly have to mess with that thing. It would go off at terrible times...4am usually and was about the volume of a fire alarm. August 8th, 6lbs, 6oz and August 9th she cried her first noticeable tears! Amy and Aaron Lawrence came by August 13th, August 14th she moved into newborn clothes sizes and August 15th, 6lbs, 12oz. Friday August 18th, was her first trip to Walmart at 11PM. We needed stuff and felt like risking her being upset in the middle of the store...she did really good and it turns out she's quite a chick magnet for me! :D

Visitors so far in August: Great Grandma H and Grandma; Grammy and Papa; Joanna's coworkers at Hite, Fanning and Honeyman; Joanna's coworkers at Fletcher and Matthewson; Ed and Beka Robinson; Joanne and Josh Spaulding, Katrina Roybal, Carina Ramirez and Michelle Anderson at Joanne's 30th b-day party; and Ben and Mandy Pfister at their house.

July Catch-up post

OK, so let's do some catchup...I should have started this blog at the beginning so I wouldn't have missed anything, but that's life. Guess you can watch the DVD I made if you're interested in the first month.

Anyway, Shelby came home from the Wesley NICU July 2nd after a month stay and we couldn't have been happier. She was 4lbs 9oz on July 3rd at her first doctors visit. Many people came to visit and hold her that first month, which will be another DVD in itself. Those who visited: Grammy and Papa, Grandpa, Great Grannie and Papa Louis, Great Grandma and Papa Charlie, Joanne, my coworkers at LSI after a doc visit, Grandma, Jason, Brandie and Kendell, John and Nina, Uncle Jeff, Chris Blue, Ed Robinson, and Ben Pfister. Glad I invested in a good computer to begin with! This video editing takes time and a hefty processor!

Some of the neat things that started happening in July: Joanna's first day with Shelby cause I had to go back to work was July 12th; July 14th she weighed 5lbs; July 19th she started to "squeek" and make lots of little noises; July 21st, her actual due date, she weighed 5lbs, 6oz.

Way's you made us smile: "The cute little expression you make: you wrinkle your forehead and pruse your lips"

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Shelby's First Blog

This blog is dedicated to Shelby Lea and her adventures while growing up. Shelby was born June 2nd, 2006, 7 weeks early due to Joanna's severe preeclampsia. Shelby weighed 3lbs, 2oz and was 14.5 inches long. She spent a month in the NICU at Wesley hospital and Joanna was in for a week, but everyone is doing fine now. As of August 15th, she weighs 6lbs, 12oz.

1 hour after birth in the NICU.

Joanna Holding Shelby. Joanna didn't get to hold her for more than 24 hours after birth due to the medications to lower Joanna's blood pressure.

Andy Holding Shelby

Shelby's Tiny Foot