Shelby Lea

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Busy Weekend

This past weekend, Shelby had her first out of town trip. We all went to Lincoln, KS to visit Andy's Grandma and Papa and to go on our annual Dove Hunting Trip. Bella did really great locating the birds this year. Shelby wanted to go, but was just too busy with Grandma, Grammy, and Papa Charlie back at the house. She also got to meet all of Papa Craig's cousins and Aunt Melba. Needless to say, she had a very busy weekend and was pretty worn out when we got home. She loved her cute camo outfits that Uncle John and Aunt Nina got her!

Tomorrow, Shelby goes to Wesley to have a hearing check-up. She passed her first test shortly after she was born. This is just a recheck to make sure nothing has changed. Wish us luck (especially Joanna since she's the one who gets to take her... :) Oh, yeah, we still haven't heard the test results from the EEG. As soon as we talk w/ the doctor, we'll let everyone know.



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